First time renters' guide
By Orchards Estates on 19th Feb 2023,Renting a property for the first time can seem daunting, but our quick guide will leave you feeling like a seasoned tenant in no time. Rent Rent will be...

October 2022 Market Report for South Somerset
By Orchards Estates on 1st Nov 2022,The leaves are falling, the clocks have gone back and children, still hyped-up on sugar from their Halloween trick or treating, are now looking forward to...

How do I add value to my home?
By Orchards Estates on 10th Apr 2022,How can I add value to my home? Even the most talented estate agent can’t predict the value of your home in 5 or 10 years’ time. Without adding to the...

How to choose the right estate agent for you
By Orchards Estates on 15th Nov 2021,Q) I’m selling a house for the first time and need to choose an estate agent. What do I need to ask, how do I differentiate them and how much trust...

How do I make an offer, and get it accepted?
By Orchards Estates on 25th Oct 2021,So you’ve walked round approximately 10 houses and, much like when you were dating, finally met ‘The One’. Now comes the nerve-wracking part: offer,...

How do you create peace and quiet at home?
How do you create peace and quiet at home? By Orchards Estates on 18th Sep 2017, 4 years ago...

How do you get your home photo-ready?
By Orchards Estates on 27th Sep 2021,How do you get your home photo-ready?...

Small Details - Big Picture
By Orchards Estates on 19th Jul 2021,How the small detail scan affect the bigger picture when selling your home...

It was like a Pig Sty!
By Orchards Estates on 12th Jul 2021,“It was like a pig sty” The headline for this blog isn’t an announcement that we’ve moved into selling farms or rural properties. And it isn’t a...

Key to a Secure Move
By Orchards Estates on 30th Dec 2020,“Key to a Secure Move” Most people who are happy to instruct an agent to sell their property are usually just as happy to provide a key for the purpose...