We want to put our house up for sale but is there any way we can vet who comes?
By Orchards Estates on 13th Mar 2022,Q. We want to put our house up for sale but is there any way we can vet who comes to look around it? A. I’m interested in...

Purchasing a home as a single buyer
By Orchards Estates on 20th Feb 2022,If you are looking to purchase a home on a single salary, either as a one income family or as a single applicant, you might think that your options are...

Is that your best offer?
By Orchards Estates on 30th Nov 2020,One of the recurring questions we get asked by people selling their homes with us is ‘Should I accept this offer?’ Depending on our response this is...

The reasons behind estate agents recommending particular solicitors
By Orchards Estates on 2nd Sep 2019,These days it doesn’t really matter where your solicitor or conveyancer is based and with the use of the internet you may not ever meet your solicitor....