
Once you’ve chosen an agent you are comfortable with and confident in, it’s time to prepare your property to go on sale.

  1. Tidy away clutter – Nothing kills a sale faster than clutter on every surface and behind every door.  Once you have decided to sell your house, take time to have a long hard look and clear away any excess ‘stuff’ you can.  Remember that viewers want to be able to imagine their belongings in your house, so giving them a blank canvas to work with is a definite must.

  1. Cleanliness is next to Godliness - A tidy, clean, fresh smelling home has far more chance of attracting a buyer than a dusty one.  If you are unable to manage a deep clean yourself, it may be worth investing in a cleaning company who will have access to stronger cleaning products and who are experts in getting rid of stains and grime.  The cost you spend will be a fraction of the money you could gain from such a simple task.

  1. Show your home some love – It might seem costly to spend out on repairs on a house you no longer want to live in, but think like a viewer, if your house looks loved and well cared for (no dripping taps or cracks in plasterwork) they are less likely to go looking for other issues, and it could be the deciding factor between your house and the one down the road.

  1. Brighten and spacious – painting dark wall in neutral tones not only helps make you home brighter but can also make it appear larger and more spacious.  These are obviously key ways of attracting viewers and make our photographs much better and more appealing even before anyone has walked through the door.

  1. Curb appeal – consider what your property looks like as you drive past.  Is the lawn mowed?  Have the kid’s toys been tidied away?  Is the BBQ clean?  The same principles we have applied to the inside of your property need to be carried through to the gardens and sheds to ensure the illusion doesn’t fade.

For more hints and tips contacts the office and ask us for our expert advice on how some simple things really can make all the difference.